Savage Attack (24)Full unit name: Savage Attack (Hoth)
Last updated: 09.08.2024 22:41:50
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Hoth
Events: Hoth Confrontation
Hoth Confrontation
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Known Facts (14)
It was one of the missions that happened during the three-way conflict
Hoth Confrontation
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
of the planet Hoth. While stationed at Aurek Base on the planet Hoth
, Republic operatives
Republic Operatives
Temporary Unions
met with General Ilic Nadab
Ilic Nadab
Minor Characters (TOR)
, the Republic's new chief strategist on Hoth. He was appointed to this position after his predecessor lost control of the strategic Clabburn Tundra sector because his predecessor fought according to the rules of war established by the Senate. Nadab was not happy with the fact that the politicians were telling the army how to wage war, and he was sure that the artillery stationed in the sector would allow to control the entire planet. He asked the operatives to help take back the sector.
He also asked them to help with another problem - someone or something was killing Republic patrols, literally tearing soldiers apart. He said that these were not some random attacks by a wampa
or some other wild animal - there was a pattern in them. He was sure it wasn't the Imperials or the White Maw
White Maw
Planetary and Sector
either. The operatives agreed to help, and Nadab added that their best recon team was scouring the sector, their commander was Talz
Sentient Species
commando, Captain Armaruk
Minor Characters (TOR)
- the operatives should meet with him at Drift Hills Depot and he would brief them on the situation.
The operatives arrived at the outpost and met with Captain Armaruk there. He greeted the operatives and said that he led the best recon team on Hoth who found many Imperial bases and White Maw hideouts. But his recon team had been slaughtered a few minutes earlier, Talz member was the last survivor who sent a distress signal, calling the attacker a "living shadow". Armaruk honestly warned the operatives that if they encountered the enemy, their chances of survival would be slim, but nevertheless asked them to retrieve the sensor logs from the ambush site. These were advanced combat sensors that were always recording - their logs contained readouts, scans, data - and this gave them a chance to uncover the identity of the attacker.
The operatives went to the coordinates where the distress signal came from - the region called Western Clabburn Tundra.
The operatives reached the area, but the signal came from somewhere south of their location. They went south and soon found the place where the signal came from - there were several corpses of human members of the recon squad
Republic Army
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
and many ice cats
Pantran Whitefang
scouring around. The operatives attacked and killed all the cats and searched the bodies. After they found the combat sensors and downloaded the data, they returned to the depot.
Operatives told Armaruk that they found the remains of his recon team and found recordings of combat sensors, but Talz was not among the dead. Armaruk was surprised and said that Talz, who had sent the distress signal, was his son. The analysis of the logs took some time, but when it was completed, Armaruk said that the readings did not make sense - wampas, whitefangs, even skels
Sentient Species
- they all worked together, attacked as one. It was clear that something was leading them, but the sensors did not capture this. When the operatives asked why Armaruk was so surprised, he explained that Hoth's predators were natural enemies, and here they killed together like an army. Something unknown was leading them and that was their true enemy. The operatives were skeptical, but Armaruk said that before there was a hidden enemy, and now they knew his form and means of attack, which was definitely progress.
The sensor logs indicated that the beast leader had moved towards the Jagged Plains. Republic forces were there, and Armaruk asked the operatives to warn them. He added that there was a group of Jedi
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
at the outpost, suggesting to show them the sensor logs - he was sure the Jedi were after their mutual enemy and knew more than they let on.
The operatives expressed their condolences, Armaruk replied that he would later mourn his son alone, sing songs and recite words - but they were only for Talz ears.
The operatives thanked him, mounted their speeder bikes and headed for the Jagged Plains.
At the same time, during a snowstorm, a squad of Republic soldiers led by Jedi Master Heljus
Minor Characters (TOR)
and her Padawan Elsor
Minor Characters (TOR)
were hunting for rumors of a new secret weapon they believed the Sith had deployed somewhere on Hoth. They were ambushed by a Sith Beast-Lord named Brutann
Minor Characters (TOR)
of Onderon
, who, using his mind control powers, provoked various beasts to attack the expedition. Many soldiers were killed in seconds, and Master Heljus created an avalanche that carried her and her Padawan to safety, but they separated. Elsor returned to the Republic camp, and Master Heljus followed the attackers - she saw that they dragged the survivors back to their lair, and thought she could save them. The Sith Beast-Lord was there, waiting for her - he had sent dozens of creatures after the Jedi. She narrowly escaped and tried to send her Padawan a message with the coordinates of the Beast-Lord's lair - but she failed due to the White Maw pirates jamming all frequencies in the area.
Operatives arrived at the Jagged Plains outpost and found Padawan Elsor there, still reeling from a fight with mysterious enemies and an encounter with avalanche. The operatives told him that Captain Armaruk had sent them and showed him combat logs. In return he told them his story and, after reviewing the logs, said that intelligence reports pointed to a device that turned local wildlife into weapons, which these sensor logs fully confirmed. Elsor said his Master needed to see this, but he couldn't start looking for her because the avalanche that took him to safety completely disorientated him - and he couldn't contact her because White Maw pirates were jamming all frequencies in the region. He added that a soldier named Farren Dulz
Farren Dulz
Minor Characters (TOR)
was trying to restore communication, he had a plan how to stop White Maw and asked the operatives to help him.
The operatives found Dulz in one of the houses, he was trembling from cold and very angry. Voidhound
Major Characters
jokingly offered Dulz a couple of heat packs for a few credits. Dulz ignored him and told operatives that he was originally stationed at Aurek Base, but was transferred to the Jagged Plains outpost when White Maw pirates attacked and stole signal jammers, turning them against the Republic. He had to deal with the problem, but for this he was not allocated troops. When the operatives offered their help, he said that it was best to destroy the jammers by ending the communications blockage. He handed over four explosive devices to the operatives and gave the coordinates where the jammers were installed. The operatives thanked him and went hunting to the Crescent Canyon.
They found the first jammer, the area was patrolled by a scouting party of Bala D'ur
Bala D'ur
Planetary and Sector
- the Gen'Dai
Sentient Species
faction of the White Maw, their heavy transport
Hoth Transporter
Ground Vehicle
To Be Identified
was parked neaby. Bala D'ur were enemies not to be trifled with, a frontal attack was too risky. The operatives quietly killed only a couple of sentries who were next to the jammer, and laid the charge. They retreated far from the camp before detonating the explosives, leaving Bal D'ur to deal with the cause of the explosion. There was no one near the second and third jammers, except for a pack of whitefangs. The operatives killed the animals and destroyed both jammers. The last jammer had already been located by the Imperial Rescue Team, who were fiddling with the device, perhaps to reprogram it to eliminate the possibility of jamming the Imperial frequencies. To cover up their involvement, the operatives killed the entire team, planted explosives, and retreated to a safe distance before detonating it. All jammers destroyed, the operatives returned to the Republic outpost.
Dulz was much happier, he thanked the operatives, saying that the the comm channels were finally clear and troops troops were getting organized.
The operatives returned to Padawan Elsor, who was already in contact with Master Heljus. She told them her story and urged her Padawan to focus on the Sith - they needed to stop him or the Republic forces would be overwhelmed by his bestial army. She transmitted the coordinates of the Beast-Lord's lair and then died, succumbing to her wounds. Realizing the urgency and importance of the task, the operatives went to the coordinates provided by the late Master.
Having reached the coordinates in the Jagged Plains region, the operatives found the massive entrance to the cave. They went inside and were attacked by various creatures - wampas, whitefangs, skels, and terrible crab-like abomination
- apparently operating under the Force-control of the Beast-Lord himself. After passing through the system of tunnels and killing all the creatures that dared to attack them, the operatives reached the farthest end of the cave. There they found Beast Master Brutann and attacked him without a word. Brutann was a tough fighter and fought fiercely. But he was outnumbered and soon realized that his enemies were equal to him in skill - and went on the defensive. After a couple of minutes, the killing blow finally broke through Brutann's defenses, and he was no more - his death freed the minds of the beasts from the powerful grip of his Force-contol.
The operatives returned to the outpost again. Padawan Elsor thanked them, saying that it was good to know that his Master's death was not in vain. He planned to stay on Hoth until he was healthy enough to return to Tython. He wished the Force to be with them, and they made their way to the Aurek base to report their final success to General Nadab.
The General thanked the operatives for their success, saying that word of their victory over Sith and beast army had gone through every channel. He was satisfied that the Republic was slowly gaining ground in the Clabburn sector. He said it was time to end this quagmire, they had already lost too many good soldiers fighting a conventional war on Hoth - the Republic had a stockpile of pathogenic and poisonous weapons and there was no reason not to use them here, besides the Senate's squeamishness. When operatives asked how the weapon worked, Nadab explained that the toxins and pathogens are in gaseous form, expelled by a missile and dispersed on impact - anyone caught in the gas cloud would regret it. Operatives expressed doubts that with such weapons the Republic would be little different from the Empire, but Nadab countered that it was time for the Empire to taste its own tactics, and the White Maw were just pirates who should get what they deserved. The operatives were adamant, they said that what he conceived would not distinguish between friends and foes, this weapon can kill innocent people, including ours - the general should not use such weapons. Nadab sighed, saying that they sounded like those damn senators, with the only difference being that he respects the opinions of the operatives. He added that he was willing to try win Hoth the hard way - maybe conventional missiles would suffice - it would take some time to get the missile platforms down to the surface and set them up, but the fight would be short after that. The operatives were grateful and thanked him for the responsible moral choice.
See also
Related organizations
Republic ArmyStructureCharactersIlic NadabArmaruk, Republic Special Forces DivisionFarren DulzSentient speciesMirialanIlic NadabTalzArmaruk, Republic Special Forces DivisionSullustanFarren DulzWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH3 Heavy RifleArmarukL3 ElectrobladeArmaruk
Republic Special Forces DivisionStructureCharactersArmarukSentient speciesTalzArmarukWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH3 Heavy RifleArmarukL3 ElectrobladeArmaruk
Imperial Army (Sith Empire)
Sith OrderStructureCharactersBrutann (Sith Warrior)RolesSith WarriorBrutann
Jedi OrderStructureCharactersJedi Padawan ElsorHeljusSentient speciesBithJedi Padawan ElsorZabrakHeljusRanksJedi PadawanElsor
Bala D'urWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3 Electroblade
Republic OperativesStructureCharactersVoidhound
Related units, characters and other technologies
VoidhoundMembershipRepublic Operatives
ArmarukMembershipRepublic ArmyRepublic Special Forces DivisionRepublic Special Forces DivisionWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH3 Heavy RifleL3 Electroblade
BrutannMembershipSith OrderSith Warrior
Farren DulzMembershipRepublic Army
ElsorMembershipJedi OrderJedi Padawan ElsorRelationsHeljus (Master)
HeljusMembershipJedi OrderRelationsElsor (Apprentice)
Ilic NadabMembershipRepublic Army
Pantran Whitefang
BithWere among members ofJedi OrderJedi Padawan Elsor
MirialanWere among members ofRepublic ArmyIlic Nadab
SullustanWere among members ofRepublic ArmyFarren Dulz
TalzWere among members ofRepublic Special Forces DivisionArmarukRepublic ArmyArmaruk, Republic Special Forces Division
ZabrakWere among members ofJedi OrderHeljus
Jedi PadawanMembershipJedi OrderElsor
Sith WarriorMembershipSith OrderBrutann
Complete list

Full unit name: Savage Attack (Hoth) Last updated: 09.08.2024 22:41:50